首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >《乐记》乐器词探析




Book of Music is a relatively complete musical book in the history of China, in which it records instrumental vocabulary totaled 19, and comprehensively reflects the situation of instruments and music in the period of Pre-Qin. According to materials, the instruments of Book of Music are classified into 8 classes: gold, stone, silk, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, and wood. The records of instrument in Book of Music reflects the music widely used in sacrifice, dance, diners in the period of Pre-Qin, and also reflects the grade differences in music, the function of music and the point of agreeing ancient and moderate music, opposing new and extravagant music of Confucianism.%《乐记》是中国历史上一部较为完整的音乐类书籍,书中记载了乐器词共19个,较为全面地反映了先秦时期的乐器及音乐状况。《乐记》中的乐器词,按制作材料划分,有金、石、丝、竹、匏、土、革、木八类。《乐记》中乐器词的相关记载,反映出先秦时期音乐在祭祀、舞蹈、宴客等场合的广泛应用,也反映出音乐的等级区分、音乐的德化功能以及儒家推崇古乐、和乐,反对新乐、侈乐的音乐观点。



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