首页> 中文期刊>佳木斯教育学院学报 >世人哪得识深意,此翁取适非取鱼--从古典文学中的渔父意象解读古代文人的“隐逸情结”




渔翁是中国古代诗歌典籍中经常出现的一个形象,具有其特殊的象征意义,自古以来在各种文学作品中不断地被人引用和抒写,因其本身所秉承的恬淡闲适、潇洒旷达等诸多精神内涵而被历朝历代的文人名士所钟爱,逐渐在中国古代文化中形成了一种独特的隐士文化。本文从渔父意象产生的历史渊源,渔父意象的象征意蕴,以及简述剖析解读古代文人“隐逸情结”产生的历史原因等几方面进行论述,希望对学习古典文学有所帮助和启发。%Fisherman is a figure often appears in Chinese ancient poetry books, with its special symbolic significance, since ancient times in various literary works continue to be cited and describe, for its adhering to the tranquil and leisurely, handsome broad-minded and many spiritual connotation is the dynasties of the famous literati loved, and gradually formed a in ancient Chinese culture in a unique hermit culture. From the image of fisherman and historical origin and the symbolic meaning of the image of fisherman, and summarizing the analysis interpretation of ancient scholars"hermit complex historical reasons and so on several aspects carries on the elaboration, hoping to make some help and inspiration to the study of classical literature.



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