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Pressure Coring and Pressure Core Analysis for the Upcoming Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project Coring Expedition




This paper describes the pressure coring and pressure core analysis tools to be used on the upcoming Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project (GOM-JIP) Expedition III. Pressure cores and pressure core analysis have become more important as scientists, exploration geologists, and geohazard engineers strive to understand gas-rich formations, including but not limited to gas-hydrate-bearing marine sediments, coalbed methane reserves, and shale gas reservoirs. After the highly successful GOM-JIP logging-while-drilling Expedition II, gas-hydrate-rich sections have been identified and will be cored on GOM-JIP Expedition III. Extensive use of pressure coring tools is anticipated, providing both samples for laboratory studies as well as data collected under pressure for the scientific community. The new HPTC (High Pressure Temperature Corer) will collect 3.5-meter-long samples of core at in situ pressures, while the one-meter-long FPC and FRPC (Fugro Pressure and Rotary Pressure Corers) will be used as alternate coring systems. All coring tools will be adapted to work in a flexible bottom hole assembly negating any need to trip pipe between changes of tools. PCATS (Pressure Core Analysis & Transfer System) will provide the infrastructure to both handle and conduct non-destructive testing of all these cores under pressure, providing gamma density, ultrasonic P-wave velocity, and X-ray computed tomography (CT) of the cores at full pressure. PCATS moves cores under pressure with linear and rotational precision for use with other purpose-built, compatible measurement systems and also cuts subsections of core under pressure, pushing these pieces into customized pressure cells for further analysis and testing. It is anticipated that together these four tools will collect and provide to the scientific community more pressurized core samples from GOM-JIP Expedition III than from all previous gas hydrate expeditions.
机译:本文介绍了将在即将到来的墨西哥湾联合工业项目(GOM-JIP)Expedition III中使用的压力取芯和压力岩心分析工具。随着科学家,勘探地质学家和地质灾害工程师努力了解富含天然气的地层,包括但不限于含天然气水合物的海洋沉积物,煤层气储量和页岩气藏,压力岩心和压力岩心分析变得越来越重要。在成功实施GOM-JIP随钻测井Expedition II之后,已经确定了富含天然气水合物的部分,并将其作为GOM-JIP Expedition III的核心。预计将广泛使用压力取芯工具,既可以提供用于实验室研究的样品,也可以为科学界提供在压力下收集的数据。新的HPTC(高压温度取芯器)将在原位压力下收集3.5米长的岩心样本,而一米长的FPC和FRPC(烟压和旋转压力取芯器)将用作备用取芯系统。所有取芯工具都将适合在柔性底孔组件中工作,而无需在工具更换之间使管道跳闸。 PCATS(压力岩心分析和传输系统)将提供基础设施,以处理并在压力下对所有这些岩心进行无损检测,并提供伽马密度,超声P波速度和X射线计算机断层扫描(CT)核心处于全压状态。 PCATS在压力下以线性和旋转精度移动堆芯,以与其他专用的兼容测量系统配合使用,并且在压力下切割堆芯的各个部分,将这些部分推入定制的压力盒中,以进行进一步的分析和测试。预计这四个工具将一起从GOM-JIP Expedition III中收集并向科学界提供更多的加压岩心样品,而不是以前的所有天然气水合物考察中的样品。



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