首页> 中文期刊>情报杂志 >知识单元视角下学术论文评价研究




Academic paper is one major way for scientific researchers to output research achievements. The scientific and reasonable evalu-ation of academic papers will help to raise the enthusiasm of scientific researchers, promote the healthy development of scientific research. The core of the evaluation of academic papers is innovation, while the nature of innovation is the creation of new knowledge. This paper starts from the perspective of knowledge unit, states the evolutionary process of knowledge:author's thoughts and opinions-knowledge unit - document unit, and points out that the basic unit of the academic paper's evaluation is knowledge unit and the final objective of the evaluation is to grasp the author's thoughts and opinions accurately. Based on the above analysis, the paper proposes a mechanism to com-bine the two methods ( peer review and scientometrics method) for the evaluation of academic papers at last.%学术论文是科研工作人员输出科研成果的主要方式之一。对学术论文进行科学、合理的评价,有利于充分调动科研工作者的积极性,促进科研工作的持续健康发展。学术论文评价的核心是创新,创新的本质是新知识的创造---知识增量。从知识单元的视角出发,详述知识由作者思想、观点到知识单元再到文献单元的演化过程。指出学术论文评价的基本单位是知识单元,通过评价论文中新的知识单元,来准确把握作者的思想和观点。在此基础上,阐述学术论文评价的两种方法(同行评议和科学计量方法)在评价知识单元方面的作用及其结合的机理。



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