摘要:This paper reported the development of a computer system designed for a well-known bibliometric analysis methods, I.e. Co-citation cluster analysis, co-word cluster analysis and co-paper cluster analysis. This system was developed with Visual FoxPro 5.0. Using a set of documents downloaded from the Medline and Science Citation Index CD ROM, the system is able to produce the cluster tree map of selected field or topics. The system contains the following models: co-citation analysis, co-word analy-sis, co-paper analysis, cluster, and help.%本文主要介绍运用Visual FoxPro 5.0,利用文献计量法中同被引聚类分析、共词聚类分析和共篇聚类分析原理,设计文献计量共引分析系统,对来自SCI和MEDLINE光盘的文献实现由专题文献直接形成直观聚类图的过程。本系统主要包含以下模块:同被引分析,共词分析,共篇分析,聚类,帮助。