首页> 中文期刊> 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 >赵孟頫草书《归去来辞》探析




The seals on the Huzhou Cursive Script Returning Home have reflected how it was handed down from the Yuan dynasty.According to them,the Ming and Qing royal courts have collected the scroll.It was not until the time of Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty that the scroll was taken out of the court.Later,great collectors obtained the scroll,and for that reason,it survived from damage.Thanks for their protection,people nowadays could have chance to appreciate Zhao Magnus’s authentic cursive script.In the aspect of style,its characters de-rive from the popular one of the Jin and Tang dynasties.In the aspect of artistic expression,the artist wrote characters elegantly,and placed characters properly,hence providing viewers with a sense of beauty.%湖州本赵孟頫草书《归去来辞》的收藏印记,基本反映了元代赵孟頫草书《归去来辞》法书真迹的流传经过。通过考证,该法书真迹一直被明、清两朝宫廷内府收藏,在清乾隆以前,似乎从未真正流落民间。乾隆之后,虽曾一度流落民间,但也都在名重一时的大藏家手里。由此,该法书真迹得于留存下来,使世人有机会目睹大书画家赵孟頫的法书真迹。这幅《归去来辞》草书,在书法传承上深得晋唐主流书体正传,在艺术表现上字体清丽、秀美、灵动,疏密得当,给人以极为舒心的美感。



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