首页> 中文期刊>湖州师范学院学报 >传统的文学叙事理论为何不能替代一种专门的图像叙事理论?——以米克·巴尔的叙事学理论为核心的考察




到目前为止, 几乎所有的对于图像叙事的分析, 都是基于或挪用了文学叙事理论.以米克·巴尔为典型代表的叙事学理论家, 都在其文学叙事学理论著作中, 尝试扩展其叙事理论到图像等领域, 但是都有意无意忽视了图像叙事的独特特质以及媒介特质对于不同媒介为基础的叙事的影响与特质的形成问题.电影叙事理论同样不能替代一种图像叙事理论.动态画面的电影叙事与传统的静态的单帧的或者多幅的连续性图像叙事具有一系列叙事特质上的差异.为此需要进行更为基础性研究, 一方面对于多种复杂类型的具体图像进行深入细致的叙事分析, 尝试考察和揭示图像叙事的特质;一方面通过比较文字与图像叙事、传统静态图像叙事与电影叙事等差异, 来建构图像叙事的理论与范畴.%So far, almost all the analysis of image narrative is based on and misappropriated the literary narrative theory.Narratological theorists, represented by Mieke Bal, attempt to expand their narrative theory to image and other fields in their literary narrative theory works, but they either intentionally or unintentionally ignore the unique characteristics of image narrative and the influence of media characteristics on different media-based narrative and the formation of characteristics.The film narrative theory can not replace a kind of image narrative theory.The film narrative of dynamic pictures differs from the traditional static single-frame or multi-frame continuous image narrative in a series of narrative characteristics.For this reason, more basic research is needed.On the one hand, in-depth and detailed narrative analysis is carried out on specific images of various complex types, and attempts are made to examine and reveal the characteristics of image narrative.On the other hand, the theory and category of image narrative are constructed by comparing the differences between text and image narrative, traditional static image narrative and film narrative.



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