


数学教学内容分析是进行数学教学设计的前期分析之一, 教学内容是教学的根本, 是教学过程的核心, "教什么永远比怎么教更重要". 教学内容分析是教学的首要环节, 是教学的重要基础, 是优化课堂教学, 实现课堂教学动态生成的重要条件. 本文从知识背景、教学功能、内容结构、学习任务、教学素材五个方面对高中数学正弦定理教学内容进行分析.%The content analysis of mathematics teaching is one of the preliminary analysis of mathematics teaching design. Teaching content is the basis of teaching and the core of the teaching process. "What to teach is always more important than how to teach". Teaching content analysis is a primary link of teaching, an important basis of teaching, and an important condition for optimizing classroom teaching and realizing the dynamic generation of classroom teaching. In this paper, we analyze the teaching content of high school mathematics sine theorem from five aspects: knowledge background, teaching function, content structure, learning task and teaching material.



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