首页> 中文期刊>哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版) >从作家自杀看日本人的生死观




文学是一个民族心灵的折射,是一个民族心理世界的展现。作家是文学作品的创造者,从某种意义上说,作家的心理与心灵是一个民族思想观念的集中体现。在日本文学史上,作家自杀的现象比较突出,这与他们的人生经历、思想历程有关,更与他们的作家职业、细腻敏感的性格有关。日本作家的自杀行为,反映了他们以死逃避现实、获得解脱和新生的期待,更与日本民族对死亡的理解、对自杀宽容乃至向往的态度有关。它是日本民族独特的生存环境的产物,更是日本人生死观念的一种反映,体现了日本民族对自我、人生、社会、宗教信仰等问题的一种理解和认识。%Literature reflects a nation's spirit and exhibits its psychological features. In some sense, a lit⁃erary writer's spirit and psychology is the epitome of a nation's ideology in that he or she is the creator of litera⁃ture. In the history of Japanese literature, quite a number of writers committed suicide. This is related to their personal experiences and ideological developments, and more related to their writer profession and sensitive personality. Suicide behaviors of Japanese writers reflect they try to escape from reality to gain liberation and expect to be newborn by death, and are also related to the understanding of death, the tolerance and even the desire to suicide of Japanese nation. It is a product of the unique Japanese living environment, and a reflex of the view of life and death of Japanese nation. It reflects Japanese understanding of self-consciousness, life, so⁃ciety, religion and other issues.



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