首页> 中文期刊> 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >论民法诸项基本原则及其关系①




The general principles of civil law serve as the benchmark of dispute analysis and resolution in the domain of civil law. These principles embody the nature and basic values of Chinese civil laws, corresponding to the fundamental demands of the civ-il society and the market economy in China.Namely, they are, by stipulation of General Principles of Chinese Civil Law, the principles of equality, autonomy, fairness, good faith, and public order and social morals.As the ground principle, the princi-ple of equality treating the like alike is the foundational premise of the principle of autonomy, while the principle of autonomy is the essence of civil law reflecting the basic ideas of civil law.Nonetheless, the principle of fairness aims at maintaining necessa-ry balances of individual interests during, especially, their autonomous transactions.The principle of good faith and the principle of public order and social morals set the boundaries of individual autonomy.%  民法的基本原则是民法的本质和特征的集中体现,反映了市民社会和市场经济的根本要求,表达了民法的基本价值取向,是高度抽象的、最一般的民事行为规范和价值判断准则。在我国现行的民事立法上,承认了平等原则、意思自治原则、公平原则、诚实信用原则以及公序良俗原则。其中,平等原则是民法的基础原则,它构成了意思自治原则的逻辑前提。意思自治原则是民法最重要,最有代表性的原则,是民法基本理念的体现。民法最重要的使命,就是确认并保证民事主体自由的实现。公平原则,意在谋求当事人之间的利益平衡。在交易领域内公平原则是对意思自治原则的有益补充。诚实信用原则,将最低限度的道德要求上升为法律要求,以谋求个人利益与社会公共利益的和谐。公序良俗原则,包括公共秩序和善良风俗两项内容,对个人利益与国家利益以及个人利益与社会公共利益之间的矛盾和冲突发挥双重调整功能。诚实信用原则和公序良俗原则是对意思自治原则的必要限制,力图谋求不同民事主体之间自由的和谐共存。



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