首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >梁宗岱的比较诗学建构




梁宗岱是比较文学界的大家,他以比较文学的眼光、融通中西的意识看待一切文学,可谓比较文学界的前驱。他在宏观上融通中西诗学,从哲学、美学、文学、语言等多角度探寻中西共同的诗心与异质的表现,在微观上具体深入到中西古今诗人、作家、作品的思想情感内核与艺术技巧手段,详实细致地辨析微妙的差异与相似之处,既注意到中西诗学的“同”,也指明了“异”,这在当时是非常可贵的诗学建构实绩。其比较诗学建构的主要内容包括:第一,分析中国诗歌与西洋诗歌的同与异;第二,研究中国新诗的音节、格律等“创格”问题;第三,探索汉语语言的特质与诗歌的关系问题,为成长中的中国新诗寻求道路;第四,梁宗岱最大的贡献,是把象征主义改造成中国式的“纯诗”理论,这是梁宗岱比较诗学建构的核心;第五,梁宗岱以比较文学视角对中西古今的诗人诗作进行了具体的观照与辨析。梁宗岱的比较诗学建构,是为解决当时存在的实际问题而开始的,充满了强烈的使命感与现实针对性。今天,其理论实践与学术价值仍然不容忽视。%Liang Zongdai was a master, and was regarded as a pioneer, in comparative literature in China. Macroscopi-cally, he was well versed in Chinese and western poetics, examining the homogeneous as well as heterogeneous expressions in Chinese and western poems. Microscopically, he dug into the core of feelings and artistic skills in the works by Chinese and western poets in ancient and modern times. He differentiated the subtle differences and similarities between Chinese and west-ern poetics. This was quite commendable in poetics at that time. His contribution to constructing comparative poetics can be concluded in five aspects: (i) analyzing well the similarities and differences in Chinese and western poems; (ii) researching on the metric patterns of Chinese new poetry; (iii) exploring the connection between traits of the language and the poetry to find a way of developing Chinese new poetry; (iv) transforming symbolism into the ‘pure poetry’ theory; (v) discriminating the works by Chinese and western poets of all ages. Overall, Liang’s idea of comparative poetics showed a strong sense of mis-sion and realistic pertinence, which is still of value to the theoretical development and academic practice today.



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