首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >“不得以营利为目的”的法规是否限制了教育发展




Because of such things or problems arisen from the rule “not for profit seeking” in PRC ’ s education law:the alm of action is not the object of law regulation;the alm of regulating people’ s action will not be achieved;the dignity and authority of the law will be damaged; the development of education, especially private education will be restricted;the conflict between the rules is inevitable;the entrepreneurship of educationalist will be neglected; the use of language and syntax is not reasonable etc, it is suggested that PRC’ s Education Law should be perfected and the rule “not for profit seeking” should be cancelled.%建议修订«教育法»,去除其中“不得以营利为目的”办学的规定。理由是:人的目的不能作为法律的调整对象;无法实现规范行为的立法意图,有损法律的尊严和权威性;不利于教育,特别是民办教育的发展;法律之间存在冲突;忽略教育家才能等。



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