首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >社区矫正的制度困境及解决路径探析--以福州市为考察视角




Community correction, originating from the west in mid -19th century, has been adopted by our criminal punishment and enforcement and has been an integral part of the China -featured socialist judicial system when reform and opening -up, as well as the reform of the judicial system is developing progressively .With Bei-jing and Shanghai being initial priority in 2003 , the reforming mode which starts from "pilot reform","reform ex-pansion", and ends with "full trial"turns out to be a remarkable success .Therefore, in order to step out of the current dilemma in the judical practice , we should perfect community correction system , cultivate right concept a-bout criminal enforcement , supply more choices in our working and build a strong work team , which are believed to strengthen the community correction .%社区矫正起源于19世纪中期英美等国家。随着我国改革开放和司法体制机制工作改革的推进,社区矫正成为我国刑罚执行制度的重要内容,并构成中国特色社会主义司法制度的有机组成部分。自2003年在北京、上海等地开展试点以来,从“试点”到“扩大试点”再到“全面试行”,历经10年,成效显著。针对目前司法实务中存在的制度困境,应从完善社区矫正法律体系,培育正确刑罚执行观念,健全社区矫正执行机制,丰富社区矫正工作方法,加强社区矫正队伍建设等方面着手,以促进社区矫正制度之完善。



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