首页> 中文期刊> 《远程教育杂志》 >智慧教室环境下协作学习的交互特征分析——基于IIS图分析与社会网络分析的视角




Smart classroom is the basic form in the future, and it is necessary to explore the truth of teaching under this environment.Trying to get the interactive features of collaborative learning, we take collaborative learning as a breakthrough and practice it in normal and analyze it. The interaction is that students communicating with each other that revolving around the same topic. The interpersonal social network could be revealed in collaborative learning by social network analysis, while many other interactive features around the discussion couldn't be presented. The analytical method based on IIS map focuses on the affiliation between information flow and the teaching function during the process of teaching, besides, it could show the interaction details and characterize the functional attributes of collaborative learning.The analytical method based on IIS map can make up for the lack of social network analysis to filter out the interactive content from three aspects: the content of interaction, the contribution of each team member, and the quality of the interaction. We analyze the interaction process of collaborative learning that happening in the smart classroom and the conventional classroom as well based on the IIS map and social network analysis.We find that: (1)it is little difference in the social network of collaborative learning between the two classrooms, but the discussion of knowledge points around is more concentrated in smart classroom;(2) we could not reduce teacher's guidance by using media technology;(3) the theme seems to be reciprocated in collaborative learning activities in smart classroom;(4) media product could not always improve the quality of collaborative learning.The media products could not improve teaching as expected. Therefore, we should be more rational when treating the media products of the smart classroom. What's more, we should treat the relationship between "the ideal teaching function" and "the truly teaching function" of media products correctly, and avoid "losing our eyes" just because the media product seems cool and advanced.%智慧教室将成为教室的基本形态,因此,探究智慧教室下的教学真相很有必要.而以协作学习为突破口进行教学实践并对其分析,可获得协作学习的交互特征真相.交互是指围绕同一主题展开的"你来我往"的交流活动,采用社会网络分析法可揭示协作学习中的人际社会网络,但无法呈现围绕讨论主题的其他方面的交互特征.而IIS图分析法关注教学过程中的信息流动与教学功能之间的关系,能够呈现协作学习的交互细节,表征协作学习的功能属性.引入IIS图分析法,可从交互内容、组员贡献性和交互质量三方面,对社会网络滤掉主题内容的不足进行补充.基于IIS图分析法和社会网络分析法来分析智慧教室下和常规教室下协作学习的交互过程,研究发现:(1)两种教室环境下协作学习的社会网络差别较小,但智慧教室环境下围绕知识点的讨论更集中;(2)媒体技术未能减少协作学习中的教师指导;(3)智慧教室环境下协作学习的交互主题存在往复;(4)媒体使用并不总能提高协作学习的交互质量.智慧教室中的媒体产品并未像期望的那样有效提升了教学,因此,面对智慧教室的媒体产品,应保持理性,要正确处理媒体产品的应然教学功能和实然教学作用之间的关系,防止被其炫酷"迷了双眼",而丢失教学的本真.



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