首页> 中文期刊>重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版) >从《文苑英华》看宋初馆阁文臣对白居易的接受




宋初诗坛推崇白居易,一般认为白居易的闲适诗或讽喻诗为宋初文士所重视,但从选本批评角度去考察白居易在宋初的被接受情况却并非如此。《文苑英华》录选白居易的诗歌数量为所录诗人之最,选录最多的是他的杂律诗。宋初崇白之风日炽,但诗风流于浅俗。馆阁文臣顺应诗潮,欲以范本形式加强创作引导,而白居易杂律诗的群体性参与、雅俗相融等特点符合范本条件,故而能为馆阁文臣所重。这显示出馆阁文臣对诗歌创作的规范意图,由此也看出馆阁文臣弱化诗之讽喻功能、题材倾向日常生活以及追求典雅秀丽诗风的诗学意识。《文苑英华》对白诗的选录可以说是白体诗派的一次诗学改良,在一定程度上促进了宋初诗学的发展。%On the Parnassus of Early Song,Bai Juyi is respected highly.It is generally believed that the Early Song scribes valued Bai Juyi’s leisure poems and satirical poems,but it was not the case in terms of anthology critique.In Wen Yuan Ying Hua,Bai Juyi was the most popular poet,with his miscellaneous verses rather than others being selected mainly.In Early Song,Bai’s poetry was increasingly respected mainly in superficial poems.Guan-Ge civil officials fol-lowed the trend,trying to use the model to strengthen guidance for creation.Bai’s miscellaneous verses possess refined and popular integration features,which is in line with condition as the model.Therefore,they were valued by Guan-Ge civil officials.Wen Yuan Ying Hua’s bias towards Bai Juyi’s Miscellaneous poems implies the Early Song Guan-Ge civil officials’intention of standardizing poetry production,which also shows their poetic consciousness about weakening po-em’s allegorical function,selecting themes from everyday life and pursuing elegant poetry style.In Wen Yuan Ying Hua, the excerption from Bai’s poem could be an improvement for Bai poetry school and,to some extent,a promotion of the early Song poetics.



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