首页> 中文期刊> 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 >“真实性”的弃用--解读后殖民文学作品《桑德拉大街》的写作策略




Sandra Street written by Michael·Anthony depicts the conflict between colonialist culture represented by the English teacher and the native experience represented by a student.The story depicted the conflict between the orthodox colonial empire language and the colonial language.The author abrogated the authentic language au-thority by reversion、subverting,which reflected the writing strategy of colonialist culture—discarding authenticity. This strategy was developed by this story and the original form and theme was overturned;therefore,the limitation of post -coloniality was transformed to the form of the story and the source of creativity.%米歇尔·安东尼的小说《桑德拉大街》讲述了由英文老师代表的殖民文化和学生代表的本土经验之间的冲突。小说描写了“正统的”殖民帝国话语与殖民地现实的语言之间的冲突,作者通过语言的逆转、颠覆、最终弃用了殖民帝国“真实性”的话语权威,从而体现了弃用“真实性”的后殖民文学写作策略。小说发展了这种写作策略,推翻作品原有的形式和主题,将小说后殖民性的局限转变为小说的形式与原创力量的来源。



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