首页> 中文期刊>长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版) >言说方式与身份建构——安琪与娜夜诗歌话语的对比分析




The internal relationship between poetic language and the construction of subjectivity can be revealed by comparative study between Angel and Naye on the topic of gender culture and language philosophy.Both of them have a strong sense of discourse,but their poetic style differ sharply-Angel's style is sharp-pointed and changeable,while Naye's is quiet and integrative harmony.One is an actor in current poetry,the other is a speaker of self-awareness.Different discourse practice reflects their different language genius,mapping out the poets' life circumstances,knowledge and experience,width of mind,tolerance,as well as hidden life steam,which result from various productive environments and the influence of geography and humanities,and which reflects the different posture to experience life,to utter themselves,and to construct identity in the face of existent circumstances.%将安琪和娜夜置于性别文化与语言哲学视野中对比研究,可以彰显诗语与主体身份建构的内在关联.二人都有强烈的语言意识,但诗风迥异,安琪尖锐多变,娜夜平静圆融.一个是当下诗歌场域中的行动者,一个是自我体悟的言说者.不同的诗写方式体现了不同的语言禀赋,映射出各自的遭际、识见、胸襟、气度和隐秘的生命之流,与不同的生产环境、地理人文影响有关,也体现了在面对存在境遇时,她们感受生命、言说自我和建构身份的姿态有异.



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