首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >清华简《系年》所见郑国史事初探




清华简《系年》揭示了有关郑国的重要史料。幽王死后,郑国依从携惠王势力。随着诸侯在“周亡王九年”倒向平王,郑武公又因娶申侯女成为平王嫡系。大国争霸下的郑国,成为被拉拢的对象。郑国的态度不仅造成了晋文公之后秦、晋关系的恶化,还引发晋、楚之间的多次战争。郑繻公时期,郑与韩、楚等时有交锋,因与楚的战败导致内乱发生。这些资料既可补充古史之缺,又可纠正文献记载之谬,对研究郑国历史有重要作用。%The basis ofBamboo Slips about Xinian collected by Tsinghua University disclosed important historical materials about Zheng State. After King You’s death, Zheng State complied with King Hui. As all other small kings went in favor of King Ping, Zheng State acted likewise and Zheng Wugong became King Ping’s direct relative by marrying Marquis Shen’s daughter. At a time of wars between states for hegemony, Zheng State became the object everyone wooed. As a result, the diplomatic tactics Zheng State employed not only caused the deterioration between Qin and Jin, but also ignited several wars between Jin and Chu. In Zheng Rugong’s period, there arose constant conflicts between Zheng and Han and Chu. And Zheng’s failure in its war with Chu finally led to the break-out of the civil riot. Such materials play an important role in research on Zheng State by making up certain historical blank and rectifying the fallacy of some historical documents.



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