首页> 中文期刊> 《蚌埠医学院学报》 >慢性丙型肝炎患者采用α2b干扰素治疗前后PBMC内HCV-RNA的变化




Objective:To study the therapeutic effect of interferon-alpha 2b(IFN-α 2b) on the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C.Methods:Forty-eight patients were divided into 2 groups.The therapeutic group(26 cases) was treated with IFN-α 2b and the control group(22 cases) with routine drugs(Vit C,Aspartic acid).HCV-RNA in PBMC and HCV-RNA,anti-HCV in serum were detected before and after treatment.Results:After being treated with IFN-α 2b,300 MU/d for two courses,the negative rates of HCV-RNA in the PBMC and HCV-RNA,anti-HCV in serum were 42.31%,57.69%,65.38% respectively.Whereas after the treatment with routine drugs,the negative rates of HCV-RNA in the PBMC and HCV-RNA,anti-HCV in serum were 13.64%,22.73%,27.27% respectively.There was mark difference between these two groups(P<0.05 to P<0.01).Conclusions:The IFN-α 2b has a definite effect on HCV-RNA in the serum and PBMC.The curative effect of IFN-α 2b was better than that of the routine drugs,but its effect on HCV-RNA and in PBMC seems lower than that on HCV-RNA and anti-HCV in serum.%目的:探讨α 2b干扰素对慢性丙型肝炎(丙肝)患者的治疗效果.方法:采用国产α 2b干扰素(300 MU/d)治疗,3个月为一疗程,共2个疗程,并设常规治疗组(Vit C、门冬氨酸)为对照.于疗程结束后分别检测患者PBMC内HCV-RNA和血清内HCV-RNA、抗-HCV.结果:α 2b干扰素治疗组2个疗程后慢性丙肝患者PBMC、血清内HCV-RNA和抗-HCV转阴率分别为42.31%、57.69%、65.38%,常规治疗组慢性丙肝患者PBMC、血清内HCV-RNA和抗-HCV转阴率分别为13.64%、22.73%、27.27%.两组差异均有显著性(P<0.05~P<0.01).结论:α 2b干扰素对血清及PBMC内HCV-RNA具有肯定的治疗作用,其疗效优于常规治疗组,但对PBMC内HCV-RNA的疗效似有比抗血清内HCV-RNA和抗-HCV疗效弱的趋势.



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