首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >从豌豆果皮中制取叶绿素铜钠盐的工艺研究




[目的]考察制取叶绿素铜钠盐的工艺优化条件.[方法]以新鲜的豌豆果皮为材料,通过单因素试验研究乙醇浓度、料液比和浸提时间对豌豆果皮叶绿素提取的影响,应用正交试验对叶绿素铜钠盐的制取工艺进行了优化.[结果]碗豆果皮叶绿素提取的最佳条件为:乙醇浓度95%,料液比1:8(g:ml),浸提4 h.叶绿素铜钠盐的制取工艺为:皂化pH为11~12,皂化时间为30 min,酸化铜代的反应温度为75 ℃、回流时间为90 min、CUSO4的加入量为理论值的2.0倍、pH为2~3,[结论]优化后的方法有助于豌豆果皮叶绿素的提取及其叶绿素铜钠盐的制备.%[ Objective] The study aimed to investigate the optimized technology conditions for preparing the sodium copper chlorophyll from the peel of Pisum sativum Linn. [ Method ] With the fresh peel of P. sativum as the material, the effects of the ethanol concn. , ratio of solute to solvent and extracting time on the extraction of the chlorophyll from the peel of P. sativum were studied through the single factor experiment and the technology for preparing the sodium copper chlorophyll was optimized through the orthogonal experiment. [ Result] The optimum conditions for extracting chlorophyll from the peel of P. sativum were as follows: the solvent was 95% ethanol, the ratio of solute to solvent was 1:8 and the extracting time was 4 h. The technology for preparing the sodium copper chlorophyll was follows: the conditions of saponification were at pH of 11 - 12 for 30 min, the conditions of acidifying the copper was at the reaction temperature of 75 ℃, pH of 2 -3 and the reflow time of 90 min, with the CuSO4 addition amount being 2.0 times of the theoretical value. [ Conclusion ] The optimized technology was helpful to the extraction of the chlorophyll from the peel of P. sativum and the preparation of the sodium copper chlorophyll.



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