首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军医院管理杂志》 >军医大学研究生教育管理问题分析




Objective This study aimed to improve the administration of postgraduate education .Methods 108 graduate students of a postgraduate group in Second Military Medical University were investigated with a ques -tionnaire to gain their opinions on the administration of postgraduate education .Results The graduate students were of complicated composition and pluralistic thoughts .Most students were satisfied with the work of the mentors and postgraduate administrative officers .Their major pressures were from the study , finding jobs and economic pressures .Conclusion Most students were satisfied with the administrative work .The teams of the mentors and administrative officers should be improved to provide more instruction and help to the students .Effective measures should be applied to help the students to relieve their pressures .And reasonable comprehensive quality evaluation system should be established .%目的:探讨加强研究生教育管理的方法。方法调查某军医大学某研究生队108名学员,了解其对管理工作的意见和建议。结果军医大学研究生构成复杂,思想多元,对导师和学员队的管理工作总体上比较满意,面临的主要压力是学习压力、就业压力和经济压力。结论学员对导师和学员队的教育管理工作总体上满意,学校应大力加强导师队伍和学员队管理干部队伍的建设,科学构建研究生综合素质考核评价体系,并针对学员面临压力采取有效措施,为学员成长成才提供指导、服务和帮助。



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