首页> 中文期刊>河南科技 >“诗意的盒子空间”模型设计与制作--环境设计专业建筑模型设计课程实践研究




建筑模型设计课程是针对环境设计专业二年级所开设的“,诗意的盒子空间”模型设计与制作分为此课程的实践训练环节。学生通过学习模型技巧、欣赏案例作品、分小组进行课题讨论、主题模型制作、拍摄制作过程、PPT汇报模型成果、学生讨论评比以及最后书写设计制作心得体会等。在课程当中学生能够自发地去研究空间造型、功能、开合方式以及开合秩序等问题,充分发挥主观能动性,培养手脑并用的实践能力和团队协作能力。%Building models designing course is opened for sophomore majoring in environmental design,"Poetic box space"model design and production are the practice training sessions for this course. Students learn the modelling skills,appreciate case works, discuss topics in small groups,make themes modeling,film the production process, PPT report the modelling results,students discuss and compete, and finally write experience of design and produc⁃tion. In the course, students can go to study space modeling,functions,opening and closing ways and orders and oth⁃er issues spontaneously, make full use of their initiative ability and cultivate their practical ability and team spirit.



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