首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >缬沙坦及苯磺酸氨氯地平对高血压患者血压变异性的影响




目的 比较不同时间服用缬沙坦及苯磺酸氨氯地平片对原发性高血压病患者血压变异性(BPV)的影响.方法 将120例轻、中度原发性高血压患者随机分成三组,分别为日间口服缬沙坦组、夜间口服缬沙坦组、日间口服氨氯地平组,治疗前、后进行24h动态血压监测,动态血压变异标准差作为血压变异性指标,比较3个月后三种治疗方案对血压及血压变异性的影响.结果 3个月后110例患者如期回访,结果显示三种治疗方案均能有效降低血压(P<0.05),在控制血压变异性方面,日间服用缬沙坦组对BPV改善不明显(P>0.05);氨氯地平组和夜间口服缬沙坦组能有效降低24h动态血压变异性(P<0.05);氨氯地平组在改善血压变异性方面仍优于夜间口服缬沙坦组(P<0.05).结论 夜间服用缬沙坦可以有效改善血压变异性.%Objective To investigate the effect of valsartan and amlodipine on blood pressure variability of essential hypertensive patients. Methods One hundred and twenty patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension were divided into three groups: group A (daily oral administration of valsartan, group B (oral administration of valsartan at night, and group C (daily oral administration of amlodipine group). 24 h ambulatory blood pressure were recorded before and after treatment. The standard deviation of ambulatory blood pressure variability was used as the indicator of blood pressure variability. The blood pressure and blood pressure variability after 3 months were compared between the three groups. Results Atotaal of patients returned after three months, the treatments all could effectively lower blood pressure (P<0.05). Daily oral administration of valsartan can not improve BPV obviously (P> 0.05), while oral administration of amlodipine group and oral administration of valsartan at night can effectively reduce the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure variability (P<0.05). And the improvement of blood pressure variability was significantly better in group C than group B (P<.0.05). Conclusion Oral administration of valsartan at might can effectively improve blood pressure variability.



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