首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >走进“谎言”背后的“真实”--幼儿说谎的心理分析和教育对策




在日常生活中,经常遇到孩子说谎的现象,作为家长不理解这种行为,认为孩子学坏了,于是进行批评责骂,但事与愿违,幼儿“说谎”这一现象并没有好转反而越来越严重,有的家长甚至产生了畏惧心理,担心孩子会变坏。其实,对幼儿说谎我们大可不必慌恐,而应具体分析幼儿说谎的心理,然后采取相应的教育措施。本文通过幼儿说谎案例诠释幼儿说谎心理、幼儿说谎动机,通过“了解幼儿”、“遵循年龄”、”“家园一致”,正确的引导幼儿摆脱说谎、学会真实。%In daily life, often encounter the phenomenon of children lie, as parents do not understand this behavior that chil-dren learn bad, so a scolding, but contrary to our expectations, the children"lie"this phenomenon did not improve but more and more serious, some parents even had a fear that children will go bad. Actually, on children's lying, we need not panic fear, but should be specific analysis of children lying psychological, and then take appropriate educational measures. This paper through the children lie case interpretation of children's psychology of lying, children's motive to lie by"understanding of chil-dren","follow the age",""home", the correct guiding cheeper get rid of lying and learn the true.



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