首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >基于ARCS模型的交互式电子白板课堂教学探讨




交互式电子白板自被引入教育教学开始,就以其强大的教学交互功能,灵活的学科工具吸引着人们的目光。并且,一直保持着独特的优势引领着基础教育课程的改革与实践研究。本文通过查阅文献分析探讨了我国交互式电子白板课堂的应用现状,发现了交互式电子白板课堂中存在的一些问题。从优化电子白板支撑下的课堂教学出发,本文试图以科勒提出的ARCS动机模型理论来指导交互式电子白板下的课堂教学。根据该模型下动机的激发与维持策略,探讨了交互式电子白板下的课堂教学中教学目标的制定、教学内容设计、白板展示界面设计三个环节。%Interactive whiteboard was introduced into education with its powerful teaching interactive features, flexible dis-cipline tool to attract people's attention in the beginning of its ? being used . And, it has maintained a unique advantage to lead the Reform and Practice of basic education curriculum. In this paper, a review of the literature analyzed and discussed the cur-rent situation of application of the interactive whiteboard classroom, which found some problems that exist in the classroom of interactive whiteboard. From the optimization of the classroom whiteboard support of departure, this paper attempts to ARCS motivation model theory that Kohler proposed to guide classroom instruction under the interactive whiteboard. Accord-ing to arouse and maintain the policy in this model motivation to explore three links about interactive whiteboard classroom teaching under the teaching objective design, teaching content design, whiteboard display interface design.



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