首页> 中文期刊>全球教育展望 >教师的文化知识:创造教学的当下意义及其改进的无限可能——密西根大学Kathryn M.Anderson—Levitt教授访谈

教师的文化知识:创造教学的当下意义及其改进的无限可能——密西根大学Kathryn M.Anderson—Levitt教授访谈



凯瑟琳M.安德森-莱维特教授从教育人类学的视角研究教师知识及其教学。她将教师的文化知识定义为教师所具有的知识、信念、态度,以及教师用以完成教学的实践中的知识;它包括教师从教育学院和实际工作中获得的专业知识,也包含了对课堂、儿童和教学的常识性理解和想当然的知识。她通过人类学的田野研究,得出教师文化知识的五个类别:安排学年课程的知识、组织教学活动的知识、评价学生学习的知识,解释并补救学业失败的知识,以及实践中的知识。她发现,存在着一种对学校教育的跨国理解,或者说,存在着全球化的共同的教育话语,但是在本土层面,学校教学和改革却存在深刻的文化差异。%Professor & Dr. Kathryn M. Anderson - Levitt researches teachers' knowledge and their teaching from the perspective of anthropology. She defines teachers' cultural knowledge as teachers' knowledge, belief, attitude, as well as knowledge for practice. It includes the professional knowledge that teachers learn on the job or at the school of education, the common sense for children and teaching, as well as the knowledge they take for granted. By anthropological field work, she finds there are five categories of teachers' cultural knowledge, including knowledge for organizing the year' s curriculum, knowledge for teaching a lesson, knowledge for assessing students' learning, knowledge for explaining and remediating failure to learn, and knowledge in practice. She argues that there is transnational understanding about schools, in another words, there is common global talk. But in each country, there is still all of culture differences at the local level.



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