首页> 中文期刊>食品科学 >鲜活水产品及其制品中硼含量的测定




Twenty-six samples of fresh and processed aquatic products from different species were determined for boron content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Boron content in Antarctic krill, Ark shell, oyster and Ruditapes philippinarum (1.183–4.240 mg/kg) were much higher than other samples, while turbot had the lowest boron content (0.006 mg/kg). In decreasing order of boron content, different living environments were wild marine, farmed freshwater and farmed marine for fish, wild marine, farmed marine and farmed freshwater for shrimp, and farmed marine and farmed freshwater for crab. Boron content in aquatic products ranged from 0.458 to 0.849 mg/kg, lower than 0.900 mg/kg. We assessed most of the tested fresh and processed aquatic products to be safe to eat. However, Antarctic krill, oyster, Ark shell and Ruditapes philippinarum should be eaten less for safety purpose due to higher boron content.%采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定26种鲜活水产品及其制品中硼的含量。结果表明,南极磷虾、泥蚶、牡蛎和菲律宾蛤仔中的硼含量最高(1.183~4.240mg/kg),大菱鲆中的硼含量最低(0.006mg/kg)。按生存环境划分,鱼类样品中硼含量为海捕产品>淡水养殖产品>海水养殖产品;虾类样品中硼含量为海捕产品>海水养殖产品>淡水养殖产品;蟹类样品中硼含量为海水养殖产品>淡水养殖产品。水产制品中的硼含量在0.458~0.849mg/kg之间。通过评估认为,大部分水产品及其制品中的硼含量均在0.900mg/kg以下,可以放心食用,但南极磷虾、牡蛎、泥蚶和菲律宾蛤仔硼含量较高,为保障安全,建议少食为宜。



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