首页> 中文期刊> 《继续医学教育》 >高职医学生学业困难群体的学习情况分析及引导教育研究




With the expansion of the enrollment of ordinary colleges, the enrollment quality is declining, and the scale of the students with academic difficulties in higher vocational colleges is expanding. Higher vocational medical students are more special. Medical higher vocational colleges bear more academic burden than general higher vocational colleges. The problem of academic difficulty seriously affects the quality of personnel training in higher vocational medical colleges and directly affects the construction of medical talent team. In order to better understand the learning difficulties of vocational medical students academic difficult groups, this subject selects five dimensions of basic situation, learning motivation, learning attitude, learning habit and academic difficulties to study the learning situation of medical students with academic difficulties in higher vocational colleges, through the survey data to classify the academic difficulties of higher vocational medical students, and t provide targeted support measures.%随着普通高校扩招,高职院校生源质量不断下降,高职院校学业困难群体规模不断扩大.高职医学生更具有特殊性,医学高职院校相对一般高职院学业负担更重.学业困难问题严重影响了医学类高职院校的人才培养质量,同时也直接影响了医学人才队伍的建设与发展.为了更好地了解高职医学生学业困难群体的的学习困难原因,课题分别选取了基本情况、学习动力、学习态度、学习习惯、学业困难情况等5个维度对高职医学生学业困难群体学习情况进行研究,通过调研数据将高职医学生学业困难群体成因进行分类,进而为高职医学生学业困难群体的学业提供针对性帮扶措施.



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