首页> 外国专利> Learning methods and devices that provide functional safety by alerting drivers about potential risk situations using explainable artificial intelligence that verifies the detection process of autonomous driving networks, and using them. Sting method and testing apparatus {LEARNING mETHOD aND LEARNING dEVICE FOR PROVIDING FUNCTIONAL SAFETY BY WARNING DRIVER ABOUT POTENTIAL DANGEROUS SITUATION BY USING EXPLAINABLE AI WHICH VERIFIES DETECTION PROCESSES OF AUTONOMOUS DRIVING NETWORK, aND tESTING mETHOD aND tESTING dEVICE USING THE SAME}

Learning methods and devices that provide functional safety by alerting drivers about potential risk situations using explainable artificial intelligence that verifies the detection process of autonomous driving networks, and using them. Sting method and testing apparatus {LEARNING mETHOD aND LEARNING dEVICE FOR PROVIDING FUNCTIONAL SAFETY BY WARNING DRIVER ABOUT POTENTIAL DANGEROUS SITUATION BY USING EXPLAINABLE AI WHICH VERIFIES DETECTION PROCESSES OF AUTONOMOUS DRIVING NETWORK, aND tESTING mETHOD aND tESTING dEVICE USING THE SAME}

机译:使用可解释的人工智能来警告潜在风险情况来提供功能安全的学习方法和设备,以可解释的人工智能验证自动驾驶网络的检测过程,并使用它们。 Sting方法和测试装置{用于通过使用可解释的AI来提供关于潜在危险情况的警告驱动器提供功能安全的学习方法和学习设备,该方法验证自动驾驶网络的检测过程,以及使用相同的测试方法和测试设备}


A learning method for providing a functional safety by warning a driver about a potential dangerous situation by using an explainable AI which verifies detection processes of a neural network for an autonomous driving is provided. And the learning method includes steps of: (a) a learning device for verification, if at least one training image for verification is acquired, instructing a property extraction module to apply extraction operation to the training image for verification to extract property information on characteristics of the training image for verification to thereby generate a quality vector; (b) the learning device for verification instructing the neural network for verification to apply first neural network operations to the quality vector, to thereby generate predicted safety information; and (c) the learning device for verification instructing a loss module to generate a loss, and perform a backpropagation by using the loss, to thereby learn parameters included in the neural network for verification.
机译:提供了一种通过使用可解释的AI来提供关于潜在危险情况的驱动器来提供功能安全的学习方法提供了一种可解释的AI,其验证了神经网络的神经网络的检测过程。学习方法包括以下步骤:(a)用于验证的学习设备,如果获取至少一个用于验证的训练图像,则指示属性提取模块将提取操作应用于训练图像以进行验证以验证以提取有关特性的属性信息训练的训练图像,从而产生质量矢量; (b)用于验证的学习设备指示神经网络验证以将第一神经网络操作应用于质量矢量,从而产生预测的安全信息; (c)用于验证的学习设备指示丢失模块生成损失,并通过使用损耗来执行反向化,从而学习包括在神经网络中的参数以进行验证。



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