首页> 中文期刊>商业研究 >基于高管团队行为整合的企业动态能力形成研究




根据能力阶层理论,本研究将动态能力明确界定为一种决定职能能力、核心能力等其他较低层级能力的高阶能力,认为这种高阶动态能力存在于企业高层管理团队的决策中,并受到企业高层管理团队学习过程的影响,信息共享、共同决策和相互协作的行为整合过程有助于通过集体学习,将高层管理团队个人学习获得的能力提升为企业的高阶动态能力;在现有动态能力研究框架基础上构建的包括企业现有位势、路径和流程在内的动态能力循环演进系统模型,有助于明晰动态能力的来源与形成关键,为动态能力的研究与高层管理者及团队心理与行为的研究搭建起理论融合的桥梁。%Based on hierarchy capabilities theory , this research proposes that dynamic capabilities is a kind of higher -order capability which dominates other lower level capabilities , including basic functional capability and core capability . The higher -order dynamic capability exists in the top manager team′s decisions and is influenced by its learning process.Behavioral integration involves information exchange , collaborative behavior , and joint decision making , which all together contribute to transforming top manager′s individual enterpreneurship capability to the top team′s higher-or-der dynamic capabilities .Based on the present dynamic capabilities′research framework , this research builds a circula-tive evolution model of dynamic capabilities including “present position, process and path”, which contributes to clear the source and formation key of dynamic capabilities , so as to build the theoretical integration of dynamic capabilities and the study of top manager team′s psychology and behavior .



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