首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学伦理学》 >口腔门诊人性化分诊服务与分诊技巧




门诊口腔科的分诊工作与其他科室相比,既有共性又有其特殊性.从人性化服务的角度出发,根据门诊口腔科的分诊特点,探讨人性化分诊服务与分诊技巧.主要有:候诊环境的人性化布局;分诊人员的人性化配备和服务,如挂号人员要有一定的口腔专业知识,分诊护士应提前到岗、做好分诊前的各项准备工作;要具备人性化分诊技巧,如诊前三分钟的医护交流、护患交流,诊后三分钟的随诊;逐步建立科学的预约管理体制.%The triage work in dental outpatient clinic, compared with other sub - sections, has some common points but also its unique features. From the perspective of people - oriented service, this paper explored the personalized triage service and triage skills according to the characteristics of outpatient dental clinic. Main contents include the user -friendly layout of the waiting environment, triage personnels equipment and personalized services( registering staff should be equipped with basic dental professional knowledge, and triage nurses should get ready for task in advance for better preparation) and personalized triage skills (such as the 3 - minute pre - therapy communication between dentists & nurses, and nurses & patients, and the 3 - minute post - therapy follow up) , and the stepwise establishment of the scientific appointments management system.



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