首页> 中文期刊>中国大学生就业 >论开展创业教育的有效途径--基于创业教育与专业教育相融合的视角




Although the historical background of entrepreneurship education and professional education are different, both are inevitable logic development of the higher education and demand of social response. Professional education is the foundation and carrier of entrepreneurship education, meanwhile, entrepreneurship education leads the trend of the development of professional education. Therefore, integrated with the school teaching system, and with the support of the professional education, entrepreneurship education can be carried out smoothly and efifciently. In fact, those have four effective ways to achieve the goal:the permeation of the curriculum, the inlfuence of teaching body, the cooperation between institutions, and the construction of government support system.%虽然创业教育和专业教育产生的时代背景不同,但两者都是高等教育内在逻辑发展的必然,也是对社会需求回应的必然。无论是从历史的角度还是逻辑的角度看,两者都密不可分。专业教育是创业教育实施的基础和载体,创业教育则是专业教育发展的趋势。因此,创业教育只有融合于学校的整体教学体系中,依托专业教育为载体才能顺利开展并取得实效。而课程渗透、教师影响、机构协调、政企体系支撑则是取得这种实效的良好途径。



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