首页> 中文期刊> 《中国现代教育装备》 >信息技术与课程整合下翻译教学模式的探索与实践




Intending to initiate a new approach different from the traditional teacher-centered and text-based translation teaching model, this paper seeks to integrate information technology with the model of workshop for translation teaching. Aimed at non-English major undergraduates in BUPT, this model advocates students be the center of the classroom to participate in translation workshop collaboratively under teachers’ guidance as well as listen to teachers’ instruction and do some tasks with the support of information technology. Accordingly, the evaluation criterion has experienced some changes, with the learning process considered. It is proved this model can arouse the students’ learning initiative and help develop their overall translation competence as well as improve teaching quality and efifciency.%针对非英语专业本科生翻译教学的改革问题,采用了翻译工作坊为主的翻译教学新模式,并尝试将信息技术与课程整合。在实施这种教学模式过程中,引发了教学方法和教学评价等环节的变革,激发了非英语专业本科生学习翻译的兴趣和积极性,提高了教学质量与效率。



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