首页> 中文期刊>中国医药导报 >针灸推拿专业研究生创新性学位论文全程指导模式的探索




The lack of originality of postgraduate thesis is a critical problem that should be resolved.The guidance mode and scheme on the innovation thesis of acupuncture and massage postgraduate student are presented in this paper, that the innovative consciousness should be developed since the postgraduate entrance.Flexible educating plan on personality development should be well laid out.Curriculum reform of multidimensional knowledge structure concluding basic theory system of acupuncture and massage should be explored.Cooperative educating mode should be explored, which means the students would be supervised by professional instructors and the tutors from Interdisciplinary fields.To produce high quality innovative talents of acupuncture and massage by developing innovative consciousness, training innovative thoughts, encouraging innovative wit, participating in innovative practice, conceiving innovative design and writing innovative paper.%缺乏原创是我国研究生论文一个亟待解决的问题.本文提出针灸推拿专业研究生全程式创新论文指导模式和方案:即从入学开始就进行研究生创新意识培养,制订突出个性发展的灵活多变的培养计划,探索具有扎实的中医针灸推拿学基础理论体系结合多维立体知识结构的课程设置改革.在以专业导师指导为主的前提下,摸索出具有交叉学科领域教师参与的协同培养模式.通过创新意识培养、创新思维训练、创新智慧激励、创新实践参与、创新设计构想、创新论文写作,最终培养出高素质的针灸推拿创新人才.



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