首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学教育技术》 >基于任务驱动教学模式的小组合作学习效果研究——以“教育技术学研究方法基础”课为例




合作学习是目前比较流行的一种学习方式,但是合作学习存在诸多问题,探究促进小组有效合作学习的教学模式尤为重要.该研究采用实证研究方法,针对基于任务驱动教学模式下的小组合作学习效果做了研究,发现经过一学期基于任务驱动的小组合作学习,学生在小组合作学习能力、合作态度、合作氛围、合作学习动机四个方面有了明显提高.同时,在学科知识掌握程度方面也有很大提高,基本达到了教学目标.研究得出任务驱动教学模式是促进小组合作学习的一种有效教学模式.%Cooperative learning is one of the most popular learning methods at present,but it has many problems.So it is very important to explore a teaching model which can effectively promote group cooperative learning.This research adopted empirical research method to study the effectiveness of group cooperative learning based on task-driven teaching model.We found that after one-semester task-driven group cooperative learning,students' ability in group cooperative learning,cooperation attitude,cooperation atmosphere and cooperative learning motivation all have increased significantly.At the same time,they also have greatly improved in mastering subject knowledge and basically achieved the teaching goal.We conclude that task-driven teaching model is an effective way to promote group cooperative learning.



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