首页> 中文期刊>中国农业教育 >MOOC学习困境的形成因素分析及改进策略--以江苏三所高校“尔雅”通识课学习者为例




The existence of learning difficulties is hindering the further development of MOOC, and it has become a hot topic of scholars. In this paper, based on the survey of three colleges“Erya” courses'learners in Jiangsu Province from March 2015 to February 2016, we studied the influence factors containing individual characteristics, courses characteristics and other conditions through Logistic regression. Binary Logistic regression results showed that the low autonomous learning ability of learners, lack of extensive social recognition of certifi⁃cate, low humanistic concern of courses and poor experience effect of course platform are the main influence fac⁃tors. Therefore, the following strategies were proposed:making scientific planning and looking for learning part⁃ners to overcome the lower autonomous learning ability, adopting the “MOOC+classroom=SPOC” form to im⁃prove the humanistic concern, implementing linkage mechanism to improve the social recognition of certificate, and attracting investment and enhancing technology research to improve the experience effect of course platform.%学习者存在的学习困境阻碍着MOOC的进一步发展,成为学者关注的热点。通过对江苏省三所高校“尔雅”通识课学习者的调查,运用Logistic回归方法,研究学习者个人基本特征、MOOC课程特征以及其他情况对学习困境的影响。二元Logistic回归结果显示,自主学习能力低、证书缺乏广泛的社会认可度、课程人文关怀度低以及课程平台体验效果不佳是造成MOOC学习困境的主要影响因素。基于此,提出了科学规划、量力而行、合理安排学习进度与积极寻找MOOC学习同伴克服自主学习能力不足,采用“MOOC+classroom=SPOC”形式提升课程人文关怀度,实施联动机制提升 MOOC 课程证书的社会认可度,吸引资金投入和加强科技研发提升MOOC平台体验效果等对策。



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