首页> 中文期刊>粮食与饲料工业 >一种降低气调仓充氮费用的新工艺




Aiming at the existing deficiency of high nitrogen gas direct charging process,and relying on the design of mainpipeline loop and the reasonable setting of single barn valve control,we put forward an improved process"charging while row-ing,tail gas utilization".The exhaust gas volume fraction greater than 85%was put into the next barn to be filled,otherwise,released into the atmosphere.Due to the basic concentration of nitrogen in the granary to be inflated was greatly improved,when inflated with high concentration of nitrogen,compared with direct bin,the nitrogen filling time was shortened by 10 h,and nitrogen charging cost was reduced by 0.3 yuan per ton.This process could meet the requirements of reducing gas storagecosts and saving energy.%针对现有高氮气体直充储粮工艺的不足,通过主输气管环路设计和单仓控制阀门的合理设置,提出“边充边排、尾气利用”的新工艺。该工艺将充气仓房所排放的氮气体积分数大于85%的尾气送入下一待充仓房,而将氮气体积分数小于等于85%的尾气放空。试验表明,由于待充仓内的初始氮浓度大为提高,再充高浓度氮气时,与直充仓相比,充氮时间缩短了10 h,充氮费用降低了0.3元/t,达到降低气调储粮费用、节能降耗的要求。



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