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Rewriting women's lives: A literary study of dictatorships.


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This study investigates the narrative strategies utilized by women authors of six literary works to portray women's circumstances under the dictatorships in Chile, Portugal and Spain. First and foremost, the study examines the relations of time and space, defined by Bakhtin as "chronotope:" an important literary narrative device that helps determine meaning in literary works. It also analyzes how the authors use the opposition self/other in order to re-create their characters' identity; the presence of "the other" is an intrinsic component for the creation of "the self." The characters of these works resort to their memory to discover their past and, in the act of doing so, establish a dialogue with history. This results in the re-making of their present and the challenging of the historical discourse of the dictatorships.; This analysis of women's writings reveals the common use of alternative narrative forms and narrative devices such as time, space, form, and language, which the authors deem to better portray women's experiences. These literary works challenge conventional narrative genres by presenting fragmented narratives and by displaying dialogic/polyphonic narratives, which grant a variety of discourses. The authors employ language strategies that depict the characters' experiences in a more accurate and comprehensive way. The characters' experiences reflect women's true experiences under the dictatorships. Moreover, the authors' presentations of different narrative forms and literary devices aim at creating alternative models for women's lives.; In short, the dissertation analyzes six literary works written by eight women writers who present alternative narrative discourses vis a vis the dictatorial discourses in order to re-create the characters' identity and to challenge the one-sided vision of the dictatorial discourse. The works studied are: from Chile, Isidora Aguirre's drama Retablo de Yumbel (1987) and Marcela Serrano's novel Para que no me olvides (1993); from Portugal, a fragmented postmodernist narrative Novas Cartas Portuguesas (1972) by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta, and Maria Velho da Costa and Lidia Jorge's novel O Dia dos Prodigios (1980); and from Spain, Carmen Martin Gaite's novel El cuarto de atras (1978) and Josefina R. Aldecoa's novel La fuerza del destino (1997).
机译:这项研究调查了六种文学作品的女性作家所采用的叙事策略,以描绘智利,葡萄牙和西班牙独裁统治下的妇女处境。首要的是,这项研究考察了巴赫金定义为“年代记”的时空关系:一种重要的文学叙事手段,有助于确定文学作品的意义。它还分析了作者如何使用对立的自我/他人来重建其角色的身份。 “另一个”的存在是创造“自我”的内在组成部分。这些作品的人物诉诸于记忆,以发现自己的过去,并以此与历史对话。这导致了他们现在的重制,并挑战了独裁统治的历史话语。对女性作品的分析揭示了替代叙事形式和叙事手段(例如时间,空间,形式和语言)的普遍用法,作者认为这些替代叙事形式和叙事手段可以更好地描绘女性的经历。这些文学作品通过呈现零散的叙事并展示对话/复音叙事来挑战传统叙事类型,从而赋予了多种话语权。作者采用语言策略来更准确,更全面地描述角色的经历。人物的经历反映了独裁统治下女性的真实经历。此外,作者对不同叙事形式和文学手段的介绍旨在为妇女的生活创造替代模式。简而言之,本文分析了八位女作家撰写的六篇文学作品,这些女作家针对独裁话语呈现了另类的叙事话语,以重现角色的身份并挑战独裁话语的单面视野。研究的作品有:智利的伊西多拉·阿吉尔(Isidora Aguirre)的话剧《 Retablo de Yumbel(1987)》和马塞拉·塞拉诺(Marcela Serrano)的小说《残酷的我》(1993)。来自葡萄牙的玛丽亚·伊莎贝尔·巴雷诺,玛丽亚·特蕾莎·奥尔塔和玛丽亚·韦尔霍·达·科斯塔以及丽迪亚·豪尔赫和丽迪亚·豪尔赫的小说《 O Dia dos Prodigios》(1980年)的片段化的后现代主义叙事小说Novas Cartas Portuguesas(1972年);来自西班牙的卡门·马丁·盖特(Carmen Martin Gaite)的小说《厄瓜多尔·德·阿特拉斯(El cuarto de atras)》(1978年)和何塞菲娜·R·阿尔迪柯(Josefina R. Aldecoa)的小说《 La fuerza del destino》(1997年)。



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