首页> 中文学位 >语音教学促进七年级单词拼读和拼写的研究









List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Significance of the Research

1.3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Phonological Awareness

2.1.1 Definition of Phonological Awareness

2.1.2 Research on Phonological Awareness

2.1.3 Assessment of Phonological Awareness

2.2 Phonics

2.2.1 Definition of Phonics

2.2.2 Different Phonics Approaches

2.2.3 Research on Phonics

2.3 Phonetic Awareness

2.3.1 Definition of Phonetic Awareness

2.3.2 Research on Phonetics

2.4 Word Reading and Spelling

2.5 Theoretical Bases for Phonological Instruction

2.5.1 Language Transfer

2.5.2 Phonological Loop Theory

2.5.3 Chunk

2.5.4 Phonological Processing Skills

2.5.5 Alphabetic Principle

2.5.6 Phonological Rules

2.5.7 Grapheme-phonologieal Correspondence

2.5.8 Relationship between Phoneme,Grapheme,Phonology,Phonetics and Phonics

2.5.9 Relationship between Phonics,Phonetic Awareness,Phonological Awareness,and Phoneme Awareness

2.5.10 Pseudoword or Nonword

Chapter 3 Research

3.1 Hypothesis and Research Questions

3.2 Participants and Variables

3.2.1 Participants

3.2.2 Variables

3.3 Basic Information and Data Collection

3.3.1 Material

3.3.2 Tests

3.3.3 Instruments

3.4 Research Procedures

Phase One

3.4.1 Phonological Awareness Instruction

Phase Two

3.4.2 Phonetic Symbols Instruction

Phase Three

3.4.3 Phonics Instruction

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Results&Analysis on English Language Proficiency Pre-test

4.2 Results&Analysis on English Language Proficiency Post-test

4.3 Post-test on the Students Phonological Skills

4.3.1 Post-test on the Comprehensive Phonological Skills

4.3.2 Post-test on the GPC Ability

4.3.3 Post-test on the Unknown Word Reading

4.3.4 Post-test on the Pseudoword or Nonword Reading

4.3.5 Post-test on the Phoneme Categorization and Identification

4.4 Post-test on Word Spelling

4.5 Post-test on the Reading Comprehension

4.6 Analysis on Questionnaire

4.7 Analysis on Interviews

4.8 Post-test on the Persistence of Effects on English Proficiency

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings and Implications

5.2 Suggestions

5.3 Limitation

5.4 Areas for Further Research


Appendix Ⅰ Grapheme-phoneme Correspondence of Letter Combinations

Appendix Ⅱ Phonics of Vowel Patterns

Appendix Ⅲ Phonics of Consonant Patterns

Appendix Ⅳ Phoneme Awareness Training

Appendix Ⅴ Post-Test on Phonological Skills

Appendix Ⅵ Post-test on Word Reading

Appendix Ⅶ Real Word and Nonword Reading Practice

Appendix Ⅷ Activities for Phonics Training

Appendix Ⅸ Phonics and Phoneme Practice

Appendix Ⅹ Research Plan for Phonological Instruction

Appendix Ⅺ Teaching Plan for Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?

Appendix Ⅻ Pronunciation Instruction Questionnaire

Appendix (13) Post-Test on English Proficiency



学习单词拼读和拼写是识字的中心环节。一个人只有掌握了识别书面文字的技能,才能说是一个认字的人,否则就是一个文盲(Shankweiler&Liberman,1972;Shankweiler, Lundquist,Dreyer&Dickinson,1996)。然而,据国外一项调查,在学校里有20%-25%的孩童不会阅读。美国学者Shankweiler(1996)的一项研究发现在高中:后进生和普通中学生中都存在单词拼写和解码的问题。英语作为母语的国家情况尚且如此,12-15岁年龄段的中国初中生的单词拼读和拼写的状况更不容乐观。究其原因一方面受到母语负迁移影响,另一方面,中国学生缺乏语音意识和语音加工技能,使得中国初中生的单词拼读和书写困难重重。如果不采取措施,这些学生就将成为英语学困生。但如何帮助这些学生提高单词拼读和拼写的水平,是大多数中国教师所关注的。
   语音加工技能是阅读能力发展的一个重要因素。大多数的阅读困难儿童普遍存在语音加工技能缺陷(e.g.,Stanovich,1988,cited in Wade-Wolley&Siegel,1997)。研究表明语音缺陷可以通过系统、明晰的语音教学进行有效的防治或干预。并且对语音意识进行早期干预能有效地促进单词的拼读和拼写能力的形成。而早期阅读者面临的一个基本任务就是理解言语能分割成被书面文字表征的音素单元。系统而明晰的语音教学,如音位意识、音位分割、韵律等语音意识等通过训练后对单词的拼读和拼写作用很大。此外,直拼法教学促进学生掌握并使用音形关系识别不熟悉或拼写不规则的单词,发展了词汇的基本技能。因此,越来越多的教育者关注语音教学对语言学习的重要作用。总而言之,在教学中关注字母编码对于所有的孩子都是有利无弊,对于语言发展滞后的孩子则至关重要。



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