首页> 外文会议>Swarm Robotics; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 4433 >Communication in a Swarm of Miniature Robots: The e-Puck as an Educational Tool for Swarm Robotics

Communication in a Swarm of Miniature Robots: The e-Puck as an Educational Tool for Swarm Robotics


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Swarm intelligence, and swarm robotics in particular, are reaching a point where leveraging the potential of communication within an artificial system promises to uncover new and varied directions for interesting research without compromising the key properties of swarm-intelligent systems such as self-organization, scalability, and robustness. However, the physical constraints of using radios in a robotic swarm are hardly obvious, and the intuitive models often used for describing such systems do not always capture them with adequate accuracy. In order to demonstrate this effectively in the classroom, certain tools can be used, including simulation and real robots. Most instructors currently focus on simulation, as it requires significantly less investment of time, money, and maintenance—but to really understand the differences between simulation and reality, it is also necessary to work with the real platforms from time to time. To our knowledge, our course may be the only one in the world where individual students are consistently afforded the opportunity to work with a networked multi-robot system on a tabletop. The e-Puck, a low-cost small-scale mobile robotic platform designed for educational use, allows us bringing real robotic hardware into the classroom in numbers sufficient to demonstrate and teach swarm-robotic concepts. We present here a custom module for local radio communication as a stackable extension board for the e-Puck, enabling information exchange between robots and also with any other IEEE 802.15.4-compatible devices. Transmission power can be modified in software to yield effective communication ranges as small as fifteen centimeters. This intentionally small range allows us to demonstrate interesting collective behavior based on local information and control in a limited amount of physical space, where ordinary radios would typically result in a completely connected network. Here we show the use of this module facilitating a collective decision among a group of 10 robots.
机译:群体智能,尤其是群体机器人技术已达到一个点,即利用人工系统内的通信潜力有望发现新的变化方向进行有趣的研究,而不会损害群体智能系统的关键特性,例如自组织性,可伸缩性和健壮性。但是,在机器人群中使用无线电的物理约束几乎不明显,并且通常用于描述此类系统的直观模型并不总是能够以足够的精度捕获它们。为了在课堂上有效地证明这一点,可以使用某些工具,包括模拟和真实的机器人。当前,大多数讲师都将重点放在模拟上,因为它所需的时间,金钱和维护成本大大减少,但要真正了解模拟与现实之间的差异,还需要不时使用真实平台。据我们所知,我们的课程可能是世界上唯一一门让个别学生始终有机会在桌面上使用网络化多机器人系统的课程。 e-Puck是一种专为教育用途而设计的低成本小型移动机器人平台,它使我们能够将真正的机器人硬件带入教室,其数量足以证明和教授群机器人概念。我们在这里介绍一个用于本地无线电通信的自定义模块,作为e-Puck的可堆叠扩展板,以实现机器人之间以及与其他任何IEEE 802.15.4兼容设备之间的信息交换。可以在软件中修改传输功率,以产生小至15厘米的有效通信范围。这个故意的小范围使我们能够在有限的物理空间中基于本地信息和控制来展示有趣的集体行为,而普通的无线电通常会导致完全连接的网络。在这里,我们展示了此模块的使用,该模块有助于在一组10个机器人之间进行集体决策。



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