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Foundation and Development of the Regular Saint Petersburg Agglomeration in the 1703 to 1910s




The relevance of the topic of the article is predetermined by the beginning of the professional development of the project of territorial development of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration for the period up to the 2030s. The article briefly describes the stages of the historical formation of the agglomeration, starting from the 1700s to the beginning of the 20th century, in those centuries when it was still the Russian metropolitan agglomeration. During the research on this topic, an integrated town-planning, territorial-functional, natural-landscape, socio-economic analysis was used, which combined the materials of a parallel study of historical cartography and archival materials. The main results were the conclusions that from the early 1700s, on the basis of the rural settlement system that had existed for centuries in these territories, the purposeful crystallization was carried out around Saint Petersburg with its principles of construction as the "ideal" capital city of the grandiose "regular type" urban agglomeration, which included three areas-belts: "external", "middle", and "nearby" (as areas of intensive agglomeration), in total geographically located from Yaroslavl (in the east) to Riga (in the west). By the 1910s, the nearby agglomeration belt (area of intensive agglomeration) united the structures of the encircling (around Saint Petersburg and the largest settlements and complexes), linear (along radial and ring highways) and nodal (around particular large settlements) structure. By this time, the formation of four subagglomerations in the spatial structure of this agglomeration was already underway: Kronstadt, Petergof, Tsarskoye Selo, Sestroretsk. This variant of the territorial formation and the unique structuring of the metropolitan Saint Petersburg agglomeration, with the parallel development of subagglomerations, are nonstandard for the world history of urban planning. The materials of the article can be useful for historians of urban planning, as well as for modern town-planners and urbanists.
机译:本文主题的相关性是通过在20世纪30年代的Saint Petersburg集聚项目的领土发展项目的专业发展的开始预先确定。本文简要介绍了历史形成的历史形成,从1700年代到20世纪初,在这些几个世纪仍然是俄罗斯大都市集聚时。在该主题的研究期间,使用了一体化的城市规划,领土功能,自然景观,社会经济分析,这将历史制图和档案材料平行研究的材料组合。主要结果是结论,从该领土上几个世纪以来几个世纪以来的农村结算系统的基础上,目的地区的结晶是在圣彼得堡进行了目的的结晶,其建设原则是“理想”的首都宏伟的“常规类型”城市集聚,其中包括三个领域 - 皮带:“外在”,“中间”和“附近”(作为强化集中的领域),总面积从雅罗斯拉夫(东部)到里加(在西方)。到了1910年代,附近的附近带(密集集聚区域)联合围系(圣彼得堡及最大沉淀物和复合物),线性(沿径向和环高速公路)和节点(围绕特定大沉淀)结构。到这段时间,在这种附聚的空间结构中形成了四个子凝聚已经开始:Kronstadt,Petergof,Tsarskoye Selo,Sestroretsk。这种地区形成的这种变体以及大都市圣彼得堡团聚的独特结构,具有平行发展的子宫,对世界城市规划史无标准。本文的材料对于城市规划的历史学家来说,以及现代城镇规划者和城镇主义者都有用。



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