首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Ability of Students Majoring in Foreign Language Specialty of Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of National Cultural Identity

Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Ability of Students Majoring in Foreign Language Specialty of Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of National Cultural Identity




Language is the carrier of culture. The so-called cultural identity refers to an individual's sense of belonging to one's own culture and the cultural groups to which it belongs, and the socio-psychological process of retaining and enriching the individual culture obtained from it. This article intends to elaborate the current situation and existing problems of national culture in the teaching of foreign language specialty in colleges and universities from the perspective of cultural identity theory, explore the factors that cause students' weak ability to inherit national culture, and further propose some strategies and approaches to improve students' intercultural communication ability from the perspective of national cultural identity.
机译:语言是文化的载体。 所谓的文化认同是指个人属于自己的文化和所属的文化群体的感觉,以及留住和富有从中获得的个体文化的社会心理过程。 本文打算从文化认同理论的角度阐述高校外语专业教学中的现状和现有国家文化问题,探讨引起学生越来越多的继承民族文化的因素,进一步提出 从民族文化认同的角度提高学生跨文化交流能力的一些策略和方法。



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