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Engagement in Practice: Unlocking STEM as a Career Choice for Middle School Females in a Rural School District




STEM talent and career development is a national priority for the U.S. due to workforce skills gaps and competitiveness on the global arena. One explanation for the gaps in STEM talent and career development is the high attrition and low recruitment rates of STEM students and workers, particularly of females. For example, although women make up almost half of the U.S. workforce, they account for only 24% of the U.S. STEM workforce (Beede et al., 2011; NSF, 2010, Ramlakhan, 2012). Known gender disparities in psychological factors influencing educational and career choice such as attitudes, independence, and self-perception of ability provide a potential explanation for lower recruitment and retention rates of females and minorities in STEM (Bandura, 1986; Betz & Hackett, 1983, Maple & Stage, 1991; Schoon, 2001; Seymour & Hewitt, 1997). Research states student involvement and exposure to mathematics and sciences at young ages is crucial for STEM career development, especially for socially disadvantaged groups such as women, ethnic minorities, and economically disadvantaged groups (Callahan & Reis, 1996; Graham, 1994, Hanson, 1994; Trusty, 2002). These psychological and socioeconomic factors explain why researchers from a large urban university, two private foundations, and a high-tech medical simulation center united to form the GEMS partnership, which endeavors to unlock STEM as a career choice for middle school females in a rural school district.
机译:词干人才和职业发展是美国的全国优先事项。由于劳动力技能差距和全球竞技场的竞争力。词干人才和职业发展中差距的一个解释是斯托斯学生和工人的高耗材和低招聘率,特别是女性。例如,虽然妇女占美国劳动力的几乎一半,但他们只占美国斯蒂沃劳动力的24%(​​Beede等,2011; NSF,2010,Ramlakhan,2012)。在影响教育和职业选择的心理因素,如态度,独立和能力提供了在STEM(女性和少数族裔的低招募和保留率班杜拉,1986年一个可能的解释自我认知知名的两性差距;贝茨和哈克特,1983年, Maple&Stage,1991; Schoon,2001; Seymour&Hewitt,1997)。研究州的学生参与和接触年轻年龄的数学和科学对词汇职业发展至关重要,特别是对妇女,少数民族和经济弱势群体等社会弱势群体(Callahan&Reis,1996; Graham,1994,Hanson,1994 ; Trusty,2002)。这些心理和社会经济因素解释了为什么来自大型城市大学,两个私人基金会的研究人员,以及一个高科技医疗模拟中心,形成宝石伙伴关系,努力将茎作为农村学校中学女性的职业选择解锁区。



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