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Training teachers to integrate engineering into non-technical middle school curriculum




The Arts & Bots Math and Science Partnership program integrates creative technological fluency projects as transdisciplinary activities into non-technical courses, creating a pathway for students of all abilities and areas of interests to engage with engineering and computing. The Professional Development provided by the program prepares teachers from traditional disciplines, such as English, History or Science, to integrate robotics projects into disciplinary classrooms, and aims to promote teacher skill, confidence, and self-efficacy in the design and classroom implementation of robotics design projects. The Arts & Bots project has developed and piloted a new program for in-service secondary school teachers. To date, we have trained 38 teachers from a variety of disciplines to implement Arts & Bots robotics design projects in their classrooms. Teacher training integrates experience with robotics kit components, a programming interface, the engineering design process, and recognition of student affinities towards engineering and computer science. We present the development model for our teacher training program as well as preliminary positive results regarding teacher practice and self-efficacy. Data includes teacher surveys, interviews, and class observations. Teacher training has developed over the course of several years, and we discuss how teacher experiences have shaped the development of the program to its current form.
机译:“艺术与机器人数学与科学合作计划”将跨学科活动的创造性技术流利项目整合到非技术课程中,从而为所有能力和兴趣领域的学生提供了参与工程和计算的途径。该计划提供的“专业发展”课程使来自英语,历史或自然科学等传统学科的教师做好准备,将机器人学项目整合到学科课堂中,并旨在提高教师在设计和实施机器人学方面的技能,自信心和自我效能感设计项目。 “艺术与机器人”项目为在职中学教师制定并试行了一项新计划。迄今为止,我们已经培训了38名来自不同学科的教师,以在其教室中实施Arts&Bots机器人设计项目。教师培训将经验与机器人套件组件,编程界面,工程设计过程以及对学生对工程和计算机科学的亲和力的认可相结合。我们介绍了教师培训计划的发展模型,以及有关教师实践和自我效能感的初步积极成果。数据包括教师调查,访谈和课堂观察。在过去的几年中,教师培训得到了发展,我们讨论了教师的经验如何将程序发展成目前的形式。



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