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TIES to STEM: University outreach model for teachers in K-12 STEM schools to be trained in engineering skills

机译:与STEM的纽带:针对K-12 STEM学校的教师进行工程技能培训的大学外展模式



This paper discusses plans to establish the ‘TIES to STEM’ outreach program for K-12 STEM school teachers at our University. TIES denotes Training in Engineering Skills and comprises the engineering education program, the pre-engineering curriculum, and the cyber-instructional networks to integrate the K-12 STEM education programs with the engineering disciplines at institutes of higher education. The engineering education program creates the opportunity for K-12 school teachers to learn and apply the engineering design process, engineering technology, and skills in the products approved and used by the engineering industry. The teachers will be better prepared to (a) teach STEM concepts to the K-12 students (b) revise the content and delivery of the K-12 STEM curriculum (c) advance their STEM careers in engineering and engineering technology. The pre-engineering curriculum for the middle school and high school students (a) improves the STEM preparation of the students (b) motivates and encourages the students to pursue degree programs in engineering and/or engineering technology at institutes of higher education. The networks based on cyber-instruction facilitate the widespread dissemination of course content, involve the teachers from widespread K-12 schools and school districts, and promote cohort identification and professional collaboration among the educators.
机译:本文讨论了为我们大学的K-12 STEM学校教师建立“ TIES to STEM”外展计划的计划。 TIES表示工程技能培训,包括工程教育计划,工程前课程和网络教学网络,以将K-12 STEM教育计划与高等教育机构的工程学科相集成。工程教育计划为K-12学校的教师提供了学习和应用工程设计过程,工程技术以及工程行业认可和使用的产品中的技能的机会。老师将更好地准备(a)向K-12学生讲授STEM概念(b)修改K-12 STEM课程的内容和授课方式(c)促进他们在工程学和工程技术领域的STEM职业。中学生和高中生的工程前课程(a)改善了学生的STEM准备(b)激励并鼓励学生在高等教育机构攻读工程学和/或工程技术学位课程。基于网络教学的网络促进了课程内容的广泛传播,使来自K-12各地学校和学区的教师参与进来,并促进了群体之间的认同和教育工作者之间的专业合作。



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