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An Exploratory Study on the Availability of Open Educational Resources to Support the Teaching and Learning of Programming




This Research Full Paper presents an exploratory study on the availability of open educational resources (OERs) to support the teaching and learning of programming. Currently, programming is considered a fundamental course in many undergraduate programs. Moreover, many countries are teaching children and young people how to program, considering this as an essential skill in the future. However, students report many difficulties when they are learning to program due to limitations of abstraction/logic, syntax, structure, among others. Similarly, teachers also argue that teaching programming is an arduous task due to the preparation of presentations, correction of exercises and creation of projects. Objective: Given this scenario, our objective was analyze the availability of OERs - open materials that present different contents and formats distributed by internet - and their support for programming students and teachers. Method: Aiming to reach the aforementioned objective, we conducted an exploratory study among 3,990 OERs, using computational processing and descriptive statistic. Results: We analyzed the OER descriptions and compared them with the current programming challenges. Also, we investigated aspects of the availability of these materials. Conclusion: There are several OER available that can support teaching and learning of programming. However, to enhancing their dissemination, we must facilitate its discovery, reuse and sharing.
机译:本研究全文提出了一个关于开放教育资源(OERS)的可用性,以支持编程教学和学习的探索性研究。目前,编程被认为是许多本科课程中的基本课程。此外,许多国家都教授儿童和年轻人如何编程,将其视为未来的重要技能。然而,由于抽象/逻辑,语法,结构的限制,学生在学习计划时,学生报告了许多困难。同样,教师还认为,由于编写演示,练习和项目的创建,教学编程是一种艰巨的任务。目的:鉴于这种情况,我们的目标是分析OERS - 开放材料的可用性,这些材料提供互联网分发的不同内容和格式 - 以及他们对编程学生和教师的支持。方法:旨在达到上述目标,我们在3,990个OERS中进行了探索性研究,使用计算处理和描述性统计。结果:我们分析了OER描述,并将其与当前的编程挑战进行了比较。此外,我们调查了这些材料的可用性的方面。结论:有几个可用的OER可以支持教学和学习编程。但是,为了加强他们的传播,我们必须促进其发现,重用和分享。



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