首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering >Does a good match of trainees' learning styles to their tutors' instructional strategies contribute to trainees' academic achievements?

Does a good match of trainees' learning styles to their tutors' instructional strategies contribute to trainees' academic achievements?




Over the last two decades Israel has experienced a rapid and extreme growth in diversity among students entering academia. In conjunction, the number of students with learning disabilities and learning difficulties has risen to twenty percent in a leading college. In earlier research, the match between students' learning styles (LS) and their teachers' instructional strategies (IS) and the correlation of this LS-IS match with students' academic achievements was studied. Nevertheless, there is no report of research where one-on-one education is implemented. Moreover, there are no references about the match of a trainees' LS to their tutors' IS and the correlation of this LS-IS match with the trainees' achievements as presented in the current paper. To measure the LS- IS match, two different methods were used. First, calculating the correlation between trainees' LS and tutors' IS (LS-IS correlation); second, calculating the LS-IS distance. Thirty-nine tutors were paired with 42 trainees with learning disabilities (three tutors had two trainees each) during the 2016 academic year. Thus, 42 pairs of tutors and trainees worked to help the trainees achieve better academic grades. The Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS) was used to measure the tutors' preferred IS and the trainees' preferred LS. In both methods, the LS-IS match was correlated with the trainees' grades. If the LS-IS match influences the trainees' achievements, significant positive correlations in the first method and significant negative correlation in the second method must appear. Nevertheless, the results show no significant correlation (positive or negative, accordingly) between the LS-IS match and students' achievements at the end of the first semester of 2016 and again at the end of the second semester of 2016.
机译:在过去的二十年中,以色列经历了进入学术界的学生多样性的快速和极端增长。同时,在一所一流大学中,有学习障碍和学习困难的学生人数已上升到百分之二十。在较早的研究中,研究了学生的学习风格(LS)与他们的教师教学策略(IS)之间的匹配以及这种LS-IS匹配与学生的学业成绩之间的相关性。然而,没有关于进行一对一教育的研究报告。而且,如本文所述,没有关于学员的LS与他们的导师的IS匹配以及该LS-IS匹配与学员的成就之间的相关性的参考。为了测量LS-IS匹配,使用了两种不同的方法。首先,计算学员的LS与导师的IS之间的相关性(LS-IS相关性);其次,计算LS-IS距离。在2016学年,有39名导师与42名有学习障碍的学员配对(三名导师各有两名学员)。因此,有42对导师和受训者致力于帮助受训者取得更好的学术成绩。 Felder-Soloman学习风格指数(ILS)用于衡量教师的首选IS和受训者的LS。在这两种方法中,LS-IS匹配都与受训者的成绩相关。如果LS-IS匹配影响学员的成绩,则必须在第一种方法中显示显着的正相关,而在第二种方法中显示显着的负相关。尽管如此,结果显示LS-IS比赛与2016年第一学期末和2016年第二学期末的学生成绩之间无显着相关性(正或负)。



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