
Radiation Enhanced Diffusion of Implanted Palladium in Silicon


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Low-temperature diffusion of palladium (450-700 N_2) from an implanted layer (9.5 MeV, 1.10~(13)cm~(-2)) deep into the volume of a high-power P-i-N diode (2.5kV, 150A) is compared with that of a sputtered palladium layer (50nm thick), both under the enhancement by the radiation defects from He~(2+) implantation (10 MeV, 110~(12)cm~(-2)). Annealing after the palladium implantation (800℃, 60min.) prior to the He~(2+) implantation is shown to increase the concentration of palladium related deep levels in the damaged region with a subsequent improvement of diode dynamic parameters. The concentration of palladium in-diffusing from the implanted layer with the dose of 1·10~(13)cm~(-2) does not sufficiently reduce excess carrier lifetime close to the anode junction as is the case of the devices with sputtered palladium that give better dynamic parameters like lower maximal reverse recovery current and recovery losses for the same magnitude of leakage current.
机译:钯(450-700 N_2)从注入层(9.5 MeV,1.10〜(13)cm〜(-2))的低温扩散深入到高功率PiN二极管(2.5kV,150A)的体积中与溅射钯层(50nm厚)相比,两者都受到了He〜(2+)注入(10 MeV,110〜(12)cm〜(-2))的辐射缺陷的增强。结果表明,在He〜(2+)注入之前,钯注入后(800℃,60min。)的退火会增加受损区域中与钯有关的深能级的浓度,从而改善了二极管的动态参数。以1·10〜(13)cm〜(-2)的剂量从注入层中扩散出来的钯浓度不能像溅射钯器件那样充分减少靠近阳极结的多余载流子寿命。可以提供更好的动态参数,例如较低的最大反向恢复电流和相同大小的泄漏电流时的恢复损耗。



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