
Thua-nao: Ethnic Fermented Soybean Food of Thailand


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Thua - nao, indigenous fermented foods were developed through traditional or village-art methodologies, which were preserved over the years, in order to maintain the uniqueness and identity of these foods. Fermented foods are essential components of the diet in a number of developing countries. The fermentation of soybean by Bacillus spp. to produce thua-nao is an example of an alkaline fermentation process. Thua-nao is a culinary product that can be used to enhance or intensify meatiness in soups, sauces and other prepared dishes, which is widely consumed in the northern region of Thailand. In some areas, the product has become an item of diet in its own right not merely a flavouring agent. Other products of alkaline fermentation include Japanese natto, Indian kinema and African dawadawa. The preservative and flavour characteristics of these fermentations are derived in part from the liberation of ammonia and increased pH, concurrent with protein hydrolysis to free amino acids and peptides.
机译:Thua-nao,土著发酵食品是通过传统或乡村艺术方法开发的,这些方法已保存多年,以保持这些食品的独特性和个性。在许多发展中国家,发酵食品是饮食的重要组成部分。芽孢杆菌属菌株对大豆的发酵。生产thua-nao是碱性发酵过程的一个例子。 Thua-nao是一种烹饪产品,可用于增强或增强汤,沙司和其他预制菜肴中的肉味,该产品在泰国北部地区广泛食用。在某些地区,产品本身已成为饮食中的一种,而不仅仅是调味剂。碱性发酵的其他产品包括日本纳豆,印度运动素和非洲dawadawa。这些发酵的防腐性和风味特性部分源于氨的释放和pH的升高,同时蛋白质水解为游离的氨基酸和肽。



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