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    • 摘要: BEGINNING in the 1980s,I have spent several Lunar New Years in China.Each time was an experience that left me with a warm,glowing memory.To an Italian,the Chinese New Year recalls the traditions of the home.It is above all the family dinner fiesta.On New Year’s Eve,young Italians,however,prefer to hang out with their friends,dancing in public ball rooms or in the city square until the first light of the new year.
    • 李德水
    • 摘要: 在Python语言中,所有的类对象都是由元类创建的.type是系统默认的元类,能根据类定义创建静态的类对象.而用户通过继承type自定义元类,则可实现动态创建类对象的功能.本文从type元类作用出发,详细分析自定义元类的中__new__()、__init__()、__call__()等三种特殊方法的工作机制.最后,作为元类的应用,列举一个简单的例子,说明元类的使用方法.
    • 摘要: 已经很长一段时间“不温不火”的New Balance,2020年开始再次翻红,除了其近年来陆续推出的爆款复古球鞋和重磅联名外,恐怕还得归功于一系列的企划造势。
    • 张超; 李军霞
    • 摘要: Dear Jaeck,New Year is coming and I wish you a happy New Year.New Year means a new begin for a year and a new chance to take hold of life.
    • 摘要: 亲爱的新年好Happy New Year每一句新年好,都是我想你。留在这里,我们一起跨年。When I say Happy New Year,I meanmiss you.Please be by my side on New Year''s Eve.
    • Qiuhong Zhu
    • 摘要: Delicacy is one significant theme of literary and artistic creation.Since the 1980s,excellent delicacy writing industry has become an important part of Chinese teaching in middle schools.Since the beginning of the new century,the carrier of food writing has changed from the literal one to full-view video,audiovisual television documentaries.The essence of new form of contemporary food writing does not change;it still implies the meticulous and warm humanistic care.The value of it in Chinese courses still has much room to expand.
    • 缄默
    • 摘要: 新大洲本田在2016款CBF190X基础上全新升级打造的最适合说走就走的旅行款休旅车——CBF190X已经上市啦!全车造型既传承了老款纯正本田休旅基因,又诠释着设计者的独具匠心,与老款相比,无论是在外观还是配置上都有突破和提升,变径手把、ABS、双闪、挡显等一应俱全,且线条感、结实感、力量感、舒适感等凸显无疑,静静看着它,就好比在欣赏着一件完美的艺术品,全车无处不散发着引人瞩目的魔力!看着它,就有种想要骑着它去旅行的冲动。
    • YANG Zongyao; HU Guyue; ZHAO Xiaoyan
    • 摘要: Objective“Orogenic gold deposits,”which account for 30%of global gold resources(Frimmel and Hennigh,2015),is one of the most important types of gold deposits in the world.This kind of gold deposit is supposed to have spatial and temporal distribution association with the accretionary orogenic belt.The Ailaoshan Gold Belt,where there are many large orogenic gold deposits including Jinchang,Daping,Laowangzhai,Donggualing,and Changan,contribute substantially to Chinese gold resources.The Himalayan orogen and Ailaoshan Orogen,both have experienced the early accretionary orogenesis and the subsequent collisional orogenesis are one of the biggest orogenic belts on the earth.Gold mineralization can be divided into that the earlier Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(59–44 Ma)and the later Ailaoshan Orogen(35–26 Ma)(Li et al.,2017),based on previous geochronological studies.In order to find out if there are any connections between these two gold events,we present 40Ar/39Ar data of hydrothermal sericite collected from the Xiachahe gold deposit in the northwest of the Ailaoshan Gold Belt.However,our new geochronology data regards this as a continuous gold mineralization event resulting from the India–Eurasia collision.
    • Shiyi Ma; Cong Duan; Tong Xu; Xinlei Wang; Xueqin Tian; Liang Wang
    • 摘要: An assessment of the new energy consumption capacity of the grid can help to improve new energy efficiency and its planning and development.The annual capacity of multi-regional new energy consumption is affected by the new energy installed capacity of each region,the output of thermal power units,the load size,and the exchange capacity between regional tie lines.In this paper,a real-time data processing method of a province is proposed,and a raw data processing method with dimensionality reduction equivalent is proposed.From the perspective of new installed capacity of new energy across regions,we obtain the assessment of the capacity of wind power photovoltaic bases in a given scenario,and propose new installed capacity for wind,light and energy storage power stations.
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